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Yuvaraj Research Laboratory

Awards/Fellowships and Honors
“Best poster prize” in IC 21 Virtual RACI Inorganic Chemistry Division Conference, 2021, Australia
“Best poster prize” in 12th Australasian Organometallics Meeting OZOM12, 2019, Australia
SERB- Overseas Post-Doctoral Fellowship (O-PDF), India, 2016-17
SERB- National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF), India, 2017
Senior Research Fellowship (SRF-CSIR), CSIR-UGC, India, 2014
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF-CSIR), CSIR-UGC, India, 2012
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), India, 2012
“Gold medal” in MSc chemistry during the year 2008-2010
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